日本財団 図書館


Tokenless: Between Lop Bun and Sila At


Ball token: Between Sila At and Chiang Mai


However, it is the policy that use of the automatic block system is not started before an automatic train protection system is introduced. Therefore, the policy of one train for one block section is not changed though an intermediate block signal is installed.


(A ball token is an iron ball with an identification hole formed on it used as a tablet which is used for transfer between a station and a traindriver by housing it in a tablet carrier used in Japan.)


(3) Train radio


Train radio is used between a traindriver and a station.


(4) Measures for safety of level crossing


A crossing-keeper, crossing signal, and automatic crossing bar are prepared for main grade crossings. Moreover, an indicator for informing closing of a crossing gate to a traindriver is also provided. In fact, however, it is very difficult to keep safety because persons and vehicles break through a level crossing (persons and motorcycle pass the gap of the crossing gate) when there is a distance up to a train even after the crossing gate is closed. Particularly, there are many vehicles (cars) around Bangkok and moreover, various types of constructions (construction of a highway, construction of a railway viaduct, etc.) interrupt the flow of vehicles and resultingly, a vehicle stops on a level crossing. Therefore, the railway side is obliged to perform low-speed operation in order to prevent accidents.






